Windows Live Messenger MSN 8 Beta without Invites
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Windows Live Messenger MSN 8 Beta without Invites

Well, well, once again, the same story repeats. Just like Gmail invites, now Windows Live Messenger invites got a way to eBay. Some ask for US$ 9.50 for one invite.

I would love to get an invite to the Windows Live Messenger MSN 8 beta, but I'm not desperate enough to pay my $$ for one. If you have extra invites and want to invite me, I would be really happppppppyy.

Updated: I just got a link to download MSN Messenger 8. Here is the link or here.

After you download it and install, you can't sign in yet if you don't have official invite. You need to download a patch to trick the MSN service into thinking you’re running Messenger 7.5 if your account hasn’t been enabled for the beta. Here is the link(site1, site2, site3) for the patch. Use at your own risk, I am not responsible for anything that may happen.

If you install and run these beta, you are exposing yourself to spyware and viruses for a version of Messenger 8 that is not even fully functional. I recommend you to be patient and wait for your beta invite.

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    On 10:48 PM Anonymous said...

    what IS msn 8?