39 megapixel camera!
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39 megapixel camera!

And just when 12 megapixel cameras were starting to become all the news, Hasselblad's new H2D-39 D-SLR is the first true 39 megapixel digital camera in the world. It is based on Hasselblad's existing H2 digital camera and is compatible with the company's H System lenses and V camera lenses. Prices are up to $40,000.

While I got suprise about this much high resolution and price, some said like this:

Every fashion magazine is pretty much shot on medium and large format and not 35mm. Madison Ave/Times Square billboards are shot with large formats also.

Its like video cameras. While you may buy a $2000 video camera, professionals for TV and film use $70,000 camera with a $30,000 lense (some lense cost more than the camera).

Source : DailyTech
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    On 10:52 AM Anonymous said...

    for me, 7.1 is fine for the moment