Write Now, Send Later ( Emails )
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Write Now, Send Later ( Emails )

Have you ever dream about sending an email to yourself or your friend at a future date like on 14th February 2008? You don't need to dream anymore as your dreams come true! There are several email services make it possible.

Here is a list of emailing services that I liked.

Mail to the Future - allows you to send mail to yourself or others at a specified date and time in the future. But requires registration and they wrote In order to use Mail to the Future, your browser must send us a cookie that contains an encoded password. Luckily, if you have an email account somewhere, it's very easy to get such a cookie. Discontinued

FutureMe - No registration needed made this my favourite service. Specify the email address, subject, message and the date to be sent in the future. The drop menu shows the last year as 2036 ( Will they last that long? ). You can also keep the email private or as an anonymous public one. They have a sense of humor as they wrote this in their copyright statement : if you steal anything, we will sic a pack of cute angry girl lawyers on you. for real.

FutureMail - Use FutureMail to send yourself reminders, notes, or any information you want to have in the future. You can even share your future items in a public RSS feed or your own FutureMail Blog. You can specify your time zone and select an hour along with your message date! This makes FutureMail much more useful for daily reminders!

I am sure there are many other services out there or will come out later. From three of these services, I recommend you to use futureme. That is simple, easy and the best of all : NO REGISTRATION.
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    On 1:21 PM KMS said...

    "Mail to the Future" has been discontinued.

    On 3:17 PM Jason said...

    thanks for the info! updated!