Flying cars really exist?
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Flying cars really exist?

Trust me, I don't want to believe this. But I couldn't deny it either. How can this happen? Is it just Google's Earth mistake?

Where is this car? I am sure you don't belive it. You just think it just a hoax. Here(LINK) you can download Google's Earth file and see yourself. Tell me what is that if not flying car.

This is I quote from
According to our Oz photo interpretation bureau (Clinton Bird), the vehicle in question is at an altitude of three of four metres and doing about 80 knots. Which rules out a rocket-powered project, and we can see no evidence of the Wankel-powered turbofan outrigger engines favoured by the Moller Corporation

Updated: After I have read gearthblog, I will agree with one of those comments' posters that Harry and Ron are on vacation. Many of you, Muggles, might not belive this. :D

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    On 4:12 PM Anonymous said...

    See "Flying Car? Note Really" at Google Earth Blog: