Will PS3 price influence Blu-ray player?
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 by Jason
After I have read this article from cnn, I think no one would be stupid enough to pay $1,800 for the standalone Blu-Ray player while they could get PS3 (with built-in Blu-ray drive) with only around $500.
There wasn't universal consensus, though. Some predicted the price would be closer to $450, others said they wouldn't be surprised if it was as high as $600. $700 was mentioned by a couple of developers, though even they said the number seemed unreasonable. And one game maker felt Sony would try to stay in line with Microsoft, offering the PS3 for just $399.
Microsoft support for HD-DVD is a big loss for Blu-ray. Surely, Sony and their supporters of Blu-ray might need to adjust price if they don't want this war to be alike Betamax.