5 things people love about Windows
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5 things people love about Windows

Most of my visitors (90-95%) are Windows users. So I discussed with some of them about why they use Windows and what they love about it. Here is most common points.

Application Support
Don't get me wrong, the competitors have some cool software suites, but if there is a program out there, then there is a good chance it was made for XP, or has a version available for Windows.

Hands down, XP is a gaming machine. Gaming companies always make an XP version, and very few port their game over to the competitor's operating system. Virtually, there are no games available only to competitor's operating system, not to Windows. It's always the other way around.

Sure prepackaged computers may be great for novice users . But what if you want to build your own? Windows makes it extremely easy. You can just go into any computer shops, buy any hardware components you want without having to worry about whether there's a driver available or not.

Like it or not, most companies/corporations use Windows. So if you are a PC users, you must be able to use Windows. That made most of us familiar with Windows. Microsoft marketing teams are really genius too. Instead of bashing competitors' OS, they offered great discount to high schools and University. After all those kids have graduated, what would they get used to? Huh, see?

Free help from friends or family
When your computer faces some problem or you want to tweak a bit, it is easier to find Windows expert among friends or family. It would be very difficult to find people who are expert in other OSes.

If I have to write it down all, the list would go on and on. So let me stop here.
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