Hackatonish - Mac in a pc
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Hackatonish - Mac in a pc

I have been trying to run Mac on my PC. I have been reading about Mac good news here and there. Many people suggest that Mac is very superior to Windows, blah, blah, blah. So I thought I should give it a try.

But I don't want to invest that much money for Mac hardware. That's why now I'm into Hackatonish, which kernel has been patched to run Mac on non-Apple hardware. As of now, I have installed Jas MacOSX 10.4.8 in VMware. I have found out that Mac is quite suck though.

No, I'm not talking about performance, I know VMware is slow for every OS. But when I try to download Google Talk, with Mac version, I can't talk, I can only type. What's the point of having Google talk without having ability to talk? After that, I have downloaded attachment from my friend email and then when I tried to download Winrar, there's no GUI support for Mac version. Geez!!

I pray it won't end up like my linux experience.

Stay tuned for my updated Mac experience. I may install it on real pc soon. smiley cool
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