My favourite PS3 games
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My favourite PS3 games

Sony Playstation has always been my favourite console. Since PS1, I have been sticked with them. Most of my favourite games are story-based, action games.

Nowadays, we are in the PS3 era. If you are looking for PS3 games, PS3 store have got large collections for almost every game you can imagine.

Let me compare what is different between PS3 and PC. For examples, my favourite Need for Speed Carbon, I have been playing that game in PC for quite a long time. But after I've tried on PS3, it's really a WOW experience. Graphics are what really impressed me. For Call of Duty 3, the story line made me feel much more dramatic than Call of Duty 2 that I've played on my PC.

After all, I've realized that game console is played great part in our gaming experience, not just game itself. I can't wait to see when game console could create real human image or even clone coming out of it. smiley-sparkle

***This post is a paid review***
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