How to use the word "Google"
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How to use the word "Google"

We all know that Google become word in famous dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and the Oxford. But do we really know how to use "Google" as noun, verb?

This is the definition of Google from Merriam-Webster dictionary.
to use the Google search engine to obtain information about (as a person) on the World Wide Web

Normally, we think Google means searching the internet, but the correct meaning is searching the internet by using Google search engine. So, obviously the following sentence is wrong.
I googled her on Yahoo and she seems pretty interesting.

You can't google on Yahoo!. You can google only on Google search engine. So that if you have to use Yahoo! or MSN or whatever alternative search engine, you'd better use the term "search" instead of "google".

Anyway, this is for your information. If you use the wrong word, you can get embarrassed in front of crowds or even worse you can get sue as Google is the brand to protect. Knowledge is gold. Knowing the correct usage can't give you any trouble at all.

Reference : Google Blog
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