Now Gmail space is over 4 GB and counting
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Now Gmail space is over 4 GB and counting

Long long ago, based on the counter speed of Gmail page, I wrote an article that Gmail will reach 3 GB in 2008.

But recently, Google increased the speed of the counter and now Gmail has got over 4GB already. Some people even suggest that Gmail will reach 6GB at January 2008. If you're using Google Apps like me, they've adjusted the storage boost for our custom email addresses too. If you're Premier Edition users, now you will get a mighty 25 GB space instead of 10 GB.

Some of you might say that Yahoo! have already offered unlimited storage for their email. Are you aware that Yahoo! not only they reserve the right to delete MISUSED accounts but also limit their attachment size at 10MB (Gmail now allow 20MB).

We all love Google, don't we?
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    On 11:00 PM Anonymous said...


    Can we use gmail as an online drive to backup our datas? (pictures/mp3/documents). I know we can, with tools, but is this authorized? (and is there a risk to loose all the datas?)

    if no, what is all this storage capacity for?
    Can someone receive more than 3 Gb e-mails ??? ( i mean, open them, open attached files, read and respond?)

    Why don't you upgrade the "poor" 1Gb of Picasa instead, or simply "merge" the picasa and gmail free storage capacity???
