Top 10 reasons why you shouldn't get a MAC
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 by Jason
Apple is giving reasons what they think is imperative for making the change from a PC to a MAC can be found on their website and their famous "I'm a PC, I'm a MAC" ads. After I've seen most of the Apple ads and have read their long lists of conviction, I don't see any apparent reasons why Windows users should switch to MAC. Let's start the list!
So don't be fooled by Apple ads. You have nothing to gain by switching to a Mac. Apple has proved it on their website already. Who would want a mouse with just one button anyway???
1. It just works.
Huh? What do you mean it just works? Many MAC ads will tell you that all people that own MAC are really satisfied with their computer and MAC never crash. This all turns out to be a pack of lies. It does crash a lot.
Normally, Windows crash because of third party faulty hardware, for MAC, it's simply because their OS is suck. Just wonder why Apple Sweden website is running Solaris, not MAC OSX. Maybe they know their OS is not reliable.
For those who doubt whether MAC really crashes or not, watch this youtube video. It's a proof that MAC crashes a lot.
2. You can even run Windows.
Apple just invented BootCamp and then came out and say "Come all Windows users, buy our expensive hardware; you can still use your Vista". If you can indeed run Vista like on your normal PC, I wouldn't complain. But you know what, all the function keys will drive you crazy.
**F5 changes the volume instead of refreshing.
**F4 lowers the volume instead of dropping a combo box.
And if all that weren’t bad enough, THERE’S NO RIGHT CLICK BUTTON!!! So besides being pretty, there is no point using the hardware for Windows.
3. Macs run Microsoft Office.
Come on! This is the funniest thing of all. I am really wondering about this. I mean Microsoft Office runs on Microsoft Windows. It just ported to MAC doesn't mean we should switch to MAC. I just ask myself why should I switch when it's the exactly same on the mac?
4. Instant video chats.
Yeah! Yeah! Go and tell your grandmas. All PCs users are having great video chat, conference with Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! and so on since a long time ago.
5. Design that turns heads.
I won't deny MAC looks stylish, neat and tidy. The problem is that their focus on design hinders them from creating practical machines. If you have ever used the small round iMac mouse, you may have probably too suffered from aches in arm and hand.
6. No hunting for drivers.
Apple stated that USB and firewire devices will be working at MAC without having to install drivers. Well, that happens to PC since introducing Windows XP five years ago.
7. You can take it with you.
Apple website stated that most popular applications for MAC and PC use the same file formats, making it simple to exchange documents with friends and coworkers or move existing files from a PC to a MAC.
That is not true. We don't have to be genius to know that switching to the MAC means we will be sacrificing the diversity of software available for the PC. Sure, you get the essential word-processor and web-browser. But you will get Gtalk with only chatting, who would want Gtalk if you can't make voice chat?
8. 114,000 viruses? Not on a Mac.
Apple says their OS is based on UNIX, so it is more secure. But, in reality, the reason is that they can't make OS from scratch like Windows, so they adopted FreeBSD and put some make-up on it.
Of course, there are many viruses for Windows, but Apple forgot to state that there are many Antivirus choices for Windows users as well. Most PCs users who've got antivirus never really suffer from virus problem too. MAC is not virus free (Bad boys can release viruses) and Antivirus choice is very limited if there's any.
9. More fun with photos.
Apple is saying their so-called great invention program named iPhotos that will revolutionize the way we look at digital photos.
Maybe Mac users are new to digital photos on the computer but Windows users reached that stage of evolution ages ago.
10. Hollywood-style movies.
It seems that Apple thinks that they've revolutionized computing by developing mediocre software for viewing digital photos, editing video, burning CDs and DVDs and listening to music. Well they haven't!
So don't be fooled by Apple ads. You have nothing to gain by switching to a Mac. Apple has proved it on their website already. Who would want a mouse with just one button anyway???
Are you trying to be sarcastic and failing or are you just stupid?
Those must be the ten lamest reasons a person could come up with :)
I'm not a Mac user, I don't even use Windows. I'm happy with my Ubuntu computer. But man, reading these lame 'reasons' sure cracked me up :)
Thank you! I kinda feel its just geared marketing to a certain consumer... Look at Volkswagon and Google. Happy colors, Younger trendier designs, clean fresh feel and look, "less is more" idea. Mac isn't the devil. They have a brilliant marketing scheme! And hey its working.
Who said actual facts and trusted reliability has anything to do with sales!
I completely agree, I love being able to control everything on my pc, built it from scratch. I personally have used other OS's, I see no reason to switch.
Good Post!
You can say whatever you want. My article is not lame but Apple way of lying innocent customers or your action of sending in juvenile comments to a website
I share with your idea. I also don't think MAC is evil, but Apple marketing guys are.
Obviously, you never ever really used an OS X based computer!
@I am a lover of children's literature
I am talking about OSX. I've wasted a lot of time on this stupid OS. enough is enough now.
Here's another 32 (yes 32!!!) reasons why PC are better than Macs. Don't even let me get started on the Iphone. Don't forget the Ipod saved apple not the Mac.
oops forgot the link
Hey I have a mac and hey it never crashes.
@sought and fought
watch this youtube video
it is a proof that MAC crashes a lot!!
Final Cut Pro is pretty much the best video editing program you can get.
Okay theres some really shit reasons there.
I use macs and PC's everyday and here are a few of the most annoying things:
1/ You have to eject a USB device from a MAC or risk losing the information you *thought* you copied over.
2/ Mouse is fucking shit, and the side buttons are annoying as fuck; having to disable them every day because of logon settings is annoying.
3/ Self Un-upgradable .
4/ If you break it, you can't fix it your self; you have to send the entire MAC off.
5/ The warranty on something which is completely contained and cannot be tampered with which is only like 1 year? is a fucking joke. My Razor has a longer warranty, and its £275($550) extra for an additional 2 year if you buy a laptop. (Expensive)
6/ You cant retrieve deleted data like on a PC
Probably alot more, but cant think of any atm, theres also alot of things wrong with PC's.
Vista being one of them.
i never really noticed that, but your right most of the reasons to switch are because you can do some things on a mac that the PC could do years ago
AS the great Homer Simpson had said, "Facts? Pppfffftt, you can prove ANYTHING with faaacts."
I once wanted a Mac until I grew intelligent enough to build my own PC for 1/3 of the price with twice the power.
The funny thing is this, pc = personal computer. Isn't a Mac a pc by definition? Isn't a linux OS running maching a pc too? Shouldn't they rather compare Mac to Microsoft? Why try to to make Mac sound like it's not what it is?
I work IT at a tech college, we have 1/5 the amount of Macs compared to Windows machines. Why? Windows just works.
I have a PC running windows XP that never crashes...
Okay first. The chances of a Mac crashing is slim to none you would have to purposely destroy the Mac to reach this goal. 2nd. Mac computers are more stable than a PC. 3rd Mac computers are professionals first choice why?? Because they always work. Your favorite movie you are watching now, the website you're on. The music you hear on the radio are all edited and recorded via Mac. Ask any professional and they will tell you Mac is the best. My Mac has no viruses at allll... I dont even have to use an Antivirus program. Last but not least the reason why there are not a large choice of antivrius programs is because It's not neccessary Mac's hardly get viruses. PC's on the other hand has about a thousand to choose from because PC's run off them. Once I had 5,000 viruses on my computer, I never knew that was possible PC's suck...
Congratulations on your FUD article. Its really clever.
1) Windows crashes because of unstable 3rd party software. So does OS X. No difference - but the likelihood of OS X crashing and Windows is far different. However given that XP is 5 years old now and thus a lot of the bugs have been ironed out dissolves this argument a bit. But wait, the new Windows.. Vista is it? What about how often it crashes? No one knows cos no one uses it? Oh right.
2) Function keys - gee don't a lot of Windows PC's have those things? Like function keys for turning Wireless on and off instead a software change?
3) MS Office is sadly a stable of the world. Its availability helps make the transition easier.
4) iChat is more stable and has tons more user features than Windows Live Messenger - and don't forget iChat has always been iChat, not Microsoft Messenger, then MSN Messenger, then Windows Live Messenger etc... and never does iChat make you upgrade just because a new version is out or refuse to connect.
5) You answered that one. And yes the puck mouse sucked. We all know that.
6) Glory of having a 5 year old, no major changes OS its drivers. But what about Vista? There's a whole another story isn't it?
7) Sacrifice? Damn, yeah my OS won't run just about every language on the planet so therefore I sacrifice the ability for script kiddies to corrupt my computer. Shit.
8) Antivirus causes more problems than they solve...
9) Windows Fax and Picture Viewer sucks balls compared to iPhoto...
10) Windows Movie Maker sucks balls compared to iMovie too...
1. It just works doesn't mean it never crashes. Anyone who uses OS X can tell you that in fact you get an occasional app crash. What that phrase means it's actually just more easier and intuitive to move around OS X than Windows. Obviously you can't expect an OS code to be perfect, just an idiot would. I mean come on... you're not an idiot are you?
2. I've never really tried to install Vista on my Mac, I do run XP on both Parallels and BootCamp and it works perfctly.
3. You've really putting things out of context here. This reason doesn't mean "Hey you can run ported software on my OS. Switch!" This means, for people who are forced to use Office, they don't have to sacrifice it by switching. Didn't you see through that? Again... you are not in fact stupid are you?
4. You haven't seen the features iChat has right? Maybe you should check your facts before stating 'great video chat' with those programs, and maybe you should actually test the iChat before making this comments.
5. Come on, this have to be a joke. Round mouse hasn't been around in years. You seriously disappointed me with this one. And even if you were actually being able to purchase one of these mouse at an Apple Store today, any third-party mouse works perfectly with every Mac. You seriously let me down. I'm beginning to think maybe you are a little bit stupid after all. But who knows lets continue.
6. You should know that most of the things you plug in into a Mac just starts working, and if this weren't to happen, the chances are your product will come with a driver. Unless that you actually buy a device that is not compatible, which then makes you stupid. I read in a comment below, you were an OS X user... is there any chance you are lying?
7. What does this whining even mean. You first say 'same file formats' but then you say 'sacrificing the diversity of software'. First of all, Mac does have thousands of software too. Do you actually have a perception that Mac does only feature 10 to 15 software? Because it doesn't. It actually does have thousands of software available for it. Just like Windows, except Windows have thousands more. And I doubt any Mac or Windows user actually uses their own respective library of apps. But I don't really know, again, what this 7 reason meant. File formats or apps?
8. The fact is Mac is more secure. Wether you like it or not. It's a fact I'm sorry if you don't like it, you can keep blinded from reality but perhaps you should know this. Even if you come and tell me 'bad boys CAN release viruses' doesn't mean they do. There is like 3 worms and a 'trojan' discovered, neither for which are anywhere near critical. Do you know how much more crap is available for the public download everywhere for Windows? Haven't you read about the MANY worldwide Windows OS based virus spreads? Are you really that biased?
9. First of all maybe if you spelled it right, I would believe in fact you've used iPhoto. And you would know what a great program it is, it handles photos extremely intuitively. But anyways, to throw that argument about Mac just meeting digital life is just the worst thing so far you've said. I'm not even commenting on that. That's just so dumb.
10. The fact is iTunes is the most used digital online store in the world. The iPod nano and iPod are leaders in both they're markets. By far. And the Mac growth somewhere near twice than that of Windows. Even if it's a hardware-software company.
But ok, ok, I get it now. You are in fact very stupid, and this article is just a very mediocre rant with the worst arguments I've ever heard.
concerning the last post, i bought a gen III ipod 20gig, i went through 5 in a matter of 2 months, it is hands down the worst portable music device ever. Sure the design is sharp and marketed really well, but its crap. I was sitting in my car, and it slipped out of my pocket into the seat and broke. How does something break by sliding 2 inches into a seat!?! Luckily i bought a 3yr warranty, and got the use out of it, it was sent for repairs 8 times, 2 times is because the replacement they gave me was defective. Yeah great product. It broke again last month and i switched over to the Microsoft Zune, unbelievably better. There are flaws, like the sync takes forever, and its not nearly as pretty but so much more functional and user-friendly.
I agree with the article on drivers, My universities lab uses G4's and they have a samsung printer, which only works on 2 computers in the lab because the rest dont have the drivers. And since you cant download mac drivers, it renders the printer useless with any of the other computers. Yes, macs are super smart and convenient.
There's only 3 reasons to use a MAC:
1 - Video editing (Final Cut Pro is the best)
2 - You have more money than brains
3 - You got one as a gift and you don't want to hurt the giver's feelings by returning it for a PC
I'm a Digital Cinema student in Michigan. Here they give all the art students MacBooks. I was so frustrated by it, that first chance i got, i ran home and brought back my PC. I prefer Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 to Final Cut Pro. After all, what do you think FCP was based on? (Hint: Adobe)
try OS X before you write this article..
then you'll see why mac is better....
MAC is Media Access Control, I think you were meaning to do a review on a Mac...
The fact that you cannot even spell the name of the item you a reviewing correctly suggests you know little about what you are reviewing, it's a credibility issue.
MAC could be Media Authentication Code too depend on your perspective. When I say you shouldn't get a MAC mean, everybody know I would say Macintosh.
Read here.
Don't be a childish, kid.